
Showing posts from May, 2010

TFS 2010 WorkItemChangedEvent subscription to receive SOAP messages using WCF .Net 4.0

TFS 2010 is extensible and exposes and API using which I was interested in receiving SOAP messages whenever any WorkItem changes in a certain collection on my TFS Server. I wrote a WCF service, that will receive a SOAP message every time a WorkItem is changed in a designated collection on my TFS Server. I will upload the code soon. Here's what the contract looks like: using System.ServiceModel; using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client; namespace Smt.TfsEventListener {     [ ServiceContract (Namespace = "" )]     public interface IWorkItemSubscriber     {         [ OperationContract (Action = "" )]          void Notify( string eventXml);     } }  Here's what I do to dump the response on my local hard disk, once you get the XML, the possibilities are e